Work Orders


The key to successfully processing data is to pay attention to the job's work order. Below is a dissected work order to explain the fields where the data department needs to pay attention during cleaning and uploading.

1. Job ID

Notice the Job ID begins with a 4-digit Account Number [2.c], followed by the year in 2 digit format and ends with a unique series of numbers - double check this id when uploading to make sure you're working on the correct file.

2. Account Details

a. Name of School or Organization - this is important for making sure we are uploading the correct data as well as sending marketing emails with the correct school name.

c. 4-digit "School code" - also mentioned in section one as the beginning of a Job ID - This field is for quick reference; every account/school has its own unique Account Number. This is a handy reference number when discussing job or account details so everyone knows which school we are talking about (You would be surprised how many Mountain View Elementaries we have!).

e. Camera Card Sort - The field by which the data dept will sort/print camera cards - which are used by photographers in the same order so this is a crucial piece of uploading. If this field is missing, inform the office manager of this branch.


b. Branch - Where the job is taking place. This is important for knowing where to direct your questions regarding the job. Here is a list of managers sorted by branch.

d. Package Sort - The field by which photo packages will be sorted and sent to the school, as well as how the orders will be printed/packaged by the lab. This field is important as the data dept. needs to populate the PackageSort column while uploading. If this field is missing, inform the office manager of this branch. The package sort value is used for all UG/MKU/RTK job types. 

f. Same as Package Sort but for Personality Type Jobs

g. Same as Package Sort but for CapGown Type Jobs

3. Data Notes

Always read and double check Data Notes. In the example below, the data dept. is instructed to pad the ID numbers of students and IDs should equal 7 digits after padding; staff IDs are left alone. Padding instructions here. This is an upload instruction but there may also be cleaning instructions such as "KG=KIN," "Background field = UPPER for grades 10/11," or "Remove tprefix from Firstname column," etc...

4. Job Details

a. Job Types can tell you what kind of data will be included and which database we are uploading to

c. Job Sub-Types specify even further what kind of data will be included i.e. Staff day includes only faculty, Retake and Makeup days generally include only students and Original days include both. The upload process for all these sub types also differ; make sure you are uploading correctly here.

e. Whether there was a previous staff day or not is important for following the correct upload procedure. If yes, then you must roll the data from the previous staff day.


b. Populations are important for making sure we are including all students who will be present on picture day. While cleaning, if you notice the number of students in a .csv is above or below 75 students (or +/- 20% of the SF value), then you must ask an office manager to confirm the population.

d. The Last Photo Date refers to the day(s) of the photoshoot(s), notice the field below tells you how many Picture Days there are for this job. If more than one, check DataChase to include ALL days in the marketing emails.

5. ID Card Specs

a. The ID length tells you the final length of the ID number - in this case - for students. If this field conflicts with info elsewhere on the work order, ask a manager to clarify and edit Salesforce. This example matches the data note and ID card note

c. This notes section is where other relevant notes go, this one confirms all other padding notes are correct

e. The leading character lets you know what to pad the id number with, 0 is the most common character

b. The "Validation1" field is important when cleaning, if there is a value (such as ASB) that is "Pre-Loaded" - that means we have to make sure there is a validation column provided in the csv and put the job on delay if not. 

d. This "Product" value denotes who the ID Card specifications are for. In this example, students must have ASB, 7 digit id numbers, etc...

f. This is a second Validation field, the only difference is that - in this case ("Everyone Gets One") - we do not have to wait for additional data to issue the "NET" validation, we simply add a "Validation2" column and populate it with "NET" for every student



Work Order Location

When data is received for a job, a work order will be automatically placed into our network's "Data Prep Work Orders" folder.



It is good practice to highlight:

**Digital Work Orders highlighted in Microsoft Edge - remember to save changes**

Signing off the Work Order

For future reference it is important to initial and date work orders after the following processes:

**Digital Work Orders signed with the "Add Text" feature in Microsoft Edge


After the TNJ has been uploaded to Drive, move the pdf to the corresponding school folder in the "Processed Data" archive, located as follows:

"\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry\23-24 Processed Data"