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Boise (BOI) 

Alsy Cory


Los Angeles (LAX) 

Sheleis Mather

Ext. 1899

Sacramento (SAC)

Laura Hagerty


Dallas (DAL)

Christina Bennett

Ext. 6007

Oakland (OAK)

Natally Nita


Spokane (SPO)  Tri-Cities (TRI)

Terina Lefler

Ext 7166

Denver (DEN) Seattle (SEA)

Jennifer Westermann

Ext. 1907

Phoenix (PHO)

Natilee Johnson

Ext 5880

Las Vegas (LAS)

Taylor Brayton

Ext. 7135

Portland (POR)

Mariah Cronkhite

Ext 7141



In order to ensure consistency across branches, we use preset templates for confirmation notes. Each job type has it's own template. If an event is missing a template, you can copy/paste from HERE


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Please note when going into a calendar event, you will have a previous year’s notes. You can use the notes as a reference point when confirming.

School code: This information should be pre-populated

Photog(s): This information should be pre-populated

Dorian Helpers(s): This information should be pre-populated

Elementary Arrive Time: When staff are first we will arrive 50 minutes before the staff photos. When students are first we will arrive 1 hour and 20 minutes prior to the student start time.  Please verify that the building will be unlocked and ask who will meet our crew. Ask for the phone number of the person letting the photogs in the building, especially when the arrival time is 7:00 am or earlier.

MS/JH/HS Arrive Time: This information should be pre populated and you can just inform the school what time we'll arrive based on the start time. Adjust the arrival if the start time changes to match the previous set up time. Please verify that the building will be unlocked and ask who will meet our crew. Ask for the phone number of the person letting the photogs in the building.

Staff Start Time: This is the time that staff members will take individual photos. Not all schools do this. If the school wants more than 1 hour between the staff and student start time please let the appropriate Office Manager know. For spring if we do a staff group follow prepopulated times in calendar events.

Student Start time: This is the time that the students will begin taking their photos. We usually ask for it to be at least 10 minutes after the school day has started.

Lunch/break:  Some schools need us to stop taking photos during lunch. Use the previously filled out template as a reference. Do not suggest a break, unless you see it listed from the previous year. If a school asks for a break longer than 30 minutes that has not been noted in the calendar as something they have done in a previous year alert the appropriate Office Manager. 

End time:  This is typically the end of the school day on ORG days, or when the photographers will be finished taking photos. 

Location: This is where the photographers will set up. For a UG or PP photographer we ask for a minimum 15ft x 15ft space for each photographer. Please view location red flags below. If the contact mentions a location that is marked under the red flag section below, get as many details as possible about the space. Let the contact know that you will discuss the location with their Dorian Office Manager and get back to them to let them know if the space works. If the location already noted in the calendar is a red flag location just ask the school if the location worked okay last year and if it did simply confirm as usual.  

Red Flags:

Class Group Locations: Class group pictures need a minimum of 20ft x 30ft.  For class group photos the photogs need to be set up at least 20 ft back from the first row of students. If the school wants the staff group done in one location and then move to a different location for the class groups we need one hour between start times to move gear. Class groups can be outside, but if the location from last year wasn’t outside then notify the appropriate Office Manager. 

Risers:  For schools that take class groups, we will need to know if they have risers, or steps. If they do not, we need to notate that they do not have any. There will be a note on the calendar if the branch is providing the risers. Clarify with the Office Manager if necessary. If the school has risers, write, “School to provide”. If we’re providing risers, write, “Dorian to provide”. Only some branches have risers to provide. You’ll find a list of who has risers in Branch Specific Notes

Background: This note is for group pictures only. If you see in the previous notes, “use red curtain”, verify that they still have a curtain. If they indicate a place such as a gym ask if we need to bring a background. If the photographer needs to bring a background type “Dorian to provide”.

PM Classes: Ask if they have any AM or PM classes. Typically, Pre-K classes. Please note the PM arrival time and number of classes. Write “NA” if they have all full day classes.

Helpers: We ask for one per photographer. They are there to provide crowd control and ensure classes are coming down at their assigned time. If no helpers are available please ask for a radio and alert the Dorian Office Manager.


Elementary Schedule: Ask how many classrooms they have and notate it in the calendar. Send the school the template hyperlinked in the calendar event. If they are not a Google compatible school we will create an Excel schedule template. If the school does not use Google write, “Sending Excel Template”. We try our best to send every school our blank schedule template but if a school says they already have a schedule created ask the below follow up questions. If they can answer yes to all of the questions below then ask the school to email their schedule to us then upload it to the calendar event following the instructions in Schedules/Schedule Templates

-That they have only 1 class coming down every 10-15 minutes if we have two photographers scheduled.

-That they’ve scheduled a 30-minute photographer break no later than 5 hours after the arrival time. If the schedule doesn’t allow for a break, let your supervisor know. 

- Ask them to send completed schedules to us at least 4 days prior to pictures.

-If it is a Personality only shoot create a schedule with 7-10 minute time slots per class

Retake Day Schedule (Elementary):

Typically what we did last year will already be in the calendar event, just confirm that or make a note if we are doing something different. 

Retake Day Schedule (Secondary)

Refer to the Retake Day Schedule document for specifics by branch. 

Envelopes: Before asking about envelopes check in Salesforce under the “Envelope Instructions” section. If it says “Online Only” bypass this question. If they are set up to get envelopes ask if they have received their order envelopes. If you’re calling an Elementary school let them know their coupons are in the box of envelopes. If they have not received their envelopes, check UPS tracking, if you don’t see them in there inform the appropriate Office Manager. On the Original Day let the school know there is a bundle of envelopes at the bottom of their box labeled for Retake Day.

Contact: This is the person who you confirm with. If the name on the calendar does not match what is in Salesforce go by the person listed in Salesforce. If there is an instance where the school does not have an office manager simply ask the person you are speaking to who would be best to confirm picture day details with. If the contact is new, alert the Office Manager of the change.

Confirmed: The date you confirmed the picture day, or made contact. Once confirmed write w/contact name, date and initials i.e. w/Cindy 4/19/22 EV. Delete out all previous notes on communication. If you leave a Voicemail, put VM, date, initials i.e. VM 4/19/22 EV. We call every other day and after leaving 2 voicemails we try sending an email with questions. 

If the day is partially confirmed, note, “w/Cindy 4/19/22 EV waiting on location” and do not make the event timed. 

***Permanent Notes*** 

These are notes that carry over from year to year. If appropriate, verify content while on the phone (custodian phone #, etc). 

Please watch for notes that pertain to you as the confirmation specialist 


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ALL Retake Days: 

Composite Retake Day:





At the end of the day, along with the schedule, you will send a picture day reminder. This is a PDF that the school can use to communicate with the parents, either on a website, social media or email blast.



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The picture day contact isn’t available?

Ask to leave the contact a voicemail. Always leave your name, number and the reason that you are calling in the voicemail. If you do not hear back from your contact within 2 days you can call and leave one more voicemail. If the contact does not get back to you at this point send the contact an email with questions.

What if they want to move or cancel picture day?

Let them know that you will pass the information along to the person in charge of scheduling. Let them know the appropriate Dorian Office Manager's name and that they will get back to them within a day or two.

They have already created a schedule?

Ask them how much time they have allotted each classroom and request that only one class come down at a time. Our general rule is:

1 photographer- one class every 20/30 minutes

2 photographers-one class coming down every 10-15 minutes. 15 minutes for the first hour.

3 photographers- one class coming down every 8-10 minutes

They want to have pictures in a location that may not work?

Let them know that you have some concerns, ask for dimensions but let them know that you will talk to the Office Manager about it. Confirm as many other details as you can and do not mark it as confirmed. 

How much space is needed for Undergrad or Personality photos?

We ask for a minimum of 15ft x 15ft. Plus we need standing room for the kids. 

How much space is needed for Class Group photos?

Class group pictures need a minimum of 20ft x 30ft. The photogs need to be set up at least 20 ft back from the first row of students.

They have a question about products or services?

Finish the confirmation and forward them to the appropriate Dorian Office Manager.

They have a question about a student’s order?

Finish the confirmation and forward them to the appropriate Dorian Office Manager.

They want their school’s pre-order access key?

Finish the confirmation and forward them to the appropriate Dorian Office Manager.

They haven’t received their envelopes?

Check UPS Tracking to see if they have arrived. If they haven’t, alert the appropriate Dorian Office Manager.

They ran out of envelopes?

Ask their current population to make sure it matches Salesforce.

Let the Dorian Office Manager know but ask the school to advertise online ordering.

It is a two day event?

Verify whether or not equipment can stay set up at the school overnight. Set up time on day two can be one hour if we can leave equipment overnight. 

They haven’t received their coupons or don’t have enough?

Let the school know that the photographer will carry coupons with them on picture day. If the  school pushes to receive them sooner let them know you’ll pass their request onto the Dorian Office Manager.

They ask about adding something that isn’t on the schedule or taking something off the schedule?

Let the contact know that you will have to ask and their Dorian Office Manager will get back to them after checking the schedule. 

They mention a preschool class that isn’t on the schedule?

We need to make sure that we have those students in our data. Please send the Dorian Office Manager an email to verify.

They mention adding/removing/rearranging a classroom?

If the change has already occurred, let them know that we will get new data before picture day if possible. Let the Dorian Office Manager know via email immediately.

If the change will occur close to or soon after picture day, let them know that we will continue with the information we have and get updated data as soon as it’s available. Ask them when they anticipate having the changes in their system. Send an email with this information to the Dorian Office Manager.

They want to confirm future photo dates?

You can search the school name in the calendar to pull up all events.

When will my picture package orders arrive?

Pictures take approximately 4 to 5 weeks to arrive at the school after picture day. Specifics can be found in Trello.

They ask when they’ll receive their camera cards? 

The photographer brings camera cards with them on picture day. You can tell how they are bundled by checking “camera card sort” in Salesforce.

What are camera cards? 

Camera Cards are 2” by 2”  sized pieces of paper with student information on them. Photographers bring them on picture day. They will be sorted by Teacher or Grade most often. You can find the sort in the Undergraduate tab of Salesforce under Camera Card Sort.

What if in Spring they want a fall photo taken for the yearbook? 

We call this Special Cases. We only offer this if we do the school's yearbook. 

Post Picture Day FAQ’s…

They have late order envelopes they want to mail in?

We are no longer accepting paper late order envelopes.  If you can please return it to the parent or student and ask them to order online at then enter the school name in the school search bar.  Then click Order next to the appropriate picture date.  Parents have 4 days after picture day to place an online order without a late fee.  After that 4 days, there will be a $7 late fee as the packages purchased will be shipped to their homes individually, not in a bulk order like the on time orders.

How do we get a hold of customer support?

Customer support’s phone number is 1-800-826-3535. If customers would like to contact us via chat or email they will go to our website and click the chat or help button.  

What is the Spokane lab’s address?

4212 W. Sunset Blvd. Spokane, WA 99224 

Retake day has passed, can a student that missed ORG and RTK day get photographed still?  

Our studios aren’t open to drop in any time but we do have scheduled opportunities for retakes at the end of Fall and Spring. The retake dates and times are noted in the branches Salesforce page under Jobs. They are also listed in the branch's calendar. To find the branch in Salesforce, search “Dorian Studio” and the branch name. For example “Dorian Studio Seattle”. The branch addresses are listed there as well.



Confirmation Templates

Confirmation Details

Confirmation Details

Schedule Templates


Picture Schedule Template- Blank

Blank Schedule Template

Branch Specific Notes

Branch Specific Notes

Cap & Gown colors/sizes by branch

Cap & Gown by Branch

Picture Day Variations

Picture Day Variations