
Standard Operating Procedures


Events in pickAtime provide critical information to the following: 

Events must be named as follows. Straying from this format will result in customers receiving confusing confirmation emails due to macros embedded in templates. 

Event Creation 


pickAtime access is requested through Christina Bennett / cbennett@dorianstudio.com 

We utilize 3 levels of access to pickAtime

Appointment Maker - has the ability to make appointments but cannot change the setup or add or remove slots

Resource Administrator -  has the ability to add resources (photographers), make and cancel appointments, as well as run reports on select events

Administrator - has full-powered access to the entire account

Access is assigned as follows: 

Accounting/IT: Administrator

Office Manager: Administrator

Customer Support: Administrator

Branch Manager: Resource Administrator

Studio Staff: Resource Administrator or Appointment Maker

Changes to email templates, session options/prices, event creation, adding cameras or extending hours are requested through your office manager


Reports are event specific and can therefore be customized as needed


Pickatime - Customer View.mp4

pickAtime Training Video 1

Pickatime - Admin View.mp4

pickAtime Training Video 2

Pickatime - Reports.mp4

pickAtime Training Video 3

Pick-A-Time SOPs

pickAtime SOPs