Data Team Glossary

Common Terms and Their Relevance:

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Locations & Guides 


A bundled set of functions installed in Microsoft Excel, all of which automate commonly executed spreadsheet tasks/formulas 


The name of a client, usually a school or organization, who is in business with Dorian for photoshoots 

Account Code 

The four-digit unique ID number issued to each Account

AKA: "School Code" 

Account Type 

The type of school or organization

|Elementary School; High School; League 

Activity Shoot 

A type of job/photoshoot usually associated with extra curricular activities |Sports Teams; Leagues


Alpha Sort 

Subjects sorted alphabetically by last name 


A program used to perform common data cleaning tasks such as correcting headers, adding marketing columns, parsing data, etc. 


A city or office where Dorian is operating 

Branch Manager 

A manager local to where the branch is located who works with clients, photographers, job prep and data prep departments, and office managers to ensure a successful picture day 

Bulk Mailer 

Software used to correct or update addresses in data provided by accounts 

Camera Card Sort 

The order by which the subjects of a job will be sorted for distribution at the school. This client-requested sort is applied to a job by the Data Department

| Grade Sort; Teacher Sort

AKA: "CC Sort" 


Camera Cards 

A numbered set of cards used by photographers to easily identify and queue subjects on picture day, generated by the Data Department

AKA: "CC" 

Cap & Gown 

A type of job/photoshoot defined by specific grades commemorating promotions or graduations 

Class Group Shoot 

A type of job/photoshoot defined by featuring a larger group of people in a single photo, usually an elementary class plus their teacher but can also include entire grades or a set of faculty members

AKA: "CG" 

Cleaning Data 

Preparing a spreadsheet or pdf and converting it to a .csv to properly upload to our database

| Fixing Header rows; eliminating duplicate subjects; formatting teacher names

Completed TNJ


A folder within the Dorian Network, used to archive the TNJs and Camera Cards provided to photographers; a backup of what is in the Onsite folders on Google Drive

\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry\23-24 Completed TNJ 


A type of file used to organize the data, provided by accounts, into a simple, uploadable, spreadsheet 


All information provided and deemed relevant by an account for their upcoming picture day | Student/Staff names; ID numbers; Homerooms, etc. 

Data Chase 

A spreadsheet used to track the status of each job before picture day. DataChase visualizes each department contributing in the preparation of a photoshoot

Data Stats 

A spreadsheet used to analyze the volume of data being processed


Where the data from a CSV is ultimately stored and retrieved, there are different databases depending on Job Types and school years | "ug23-24"; "pers23-24" 



Web application used to upload a csv to the appropriate database, more commonly referred to as DorianOps

Direct Mail Sort 

Indicates the data for a job needs to be ran through Bulk Mailer to provide the lab with accurate addresses, the job's products will be packaged in alphabetical order and sent directly to customers from after production 

District ID 

An extra ID number included in a data set, often used for products other than ID Cards 

[Google] Drive 

The cloud storage application where files are shared between departments/users

Drop Zone 

A folder within the Dorian Network, where Office Managers hand over files to the data department for cleaning or uploading; all files are cleaned and moved to RFU 

\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry\2-Drop Zone 

Dropping Data 

Used to communicate that a file was placed in Drop Zone

| "Data for this job was dropped on 10/11/2022." 

Dropping TNJ/Cam Cards 

Used to communicate that a TNJ and Camera Card PDF was copied to an account's Onsite folder on Drive 

Employee Web 

Name of the website where DorianOps is located. Tools only available to those with permissions, issued by IT 

Excel File 

A type of spreadsheet file often used to store multiple worksheets in one file (CSVs can have only one worksheet) 

Grade Sort 

Subjects sorted from least to greatest grade value | 001 - 012 followed by alpha characters (KIN,STF,etc.) 


Unique ID numbers used to identify subjects across different jobs; issued by data department after csv is uploaded to the database

| [Account Code]+[School Year]+1001 OR 9001, depending on student or staff subjects

| 999924251001+ 


Image ID 

A four digit number - part of a series - which appears on camera cards. In numerical order, the series of numbers reflect the requested camera card sort (Teacher Sort, Grade Sort, etc.) 



Used in reference to a specific photoshoot, more commonly (in data dept) job refers to the Timestone/Database data as opposed to CSV or TNJ data

| "The job for 'XYZ Elementary' needs to be updated before picture day" 

Job ID 

The 11-12 digit number which identifies a specific photoshoot as well as Account Code and job year;

| [Account Code]+[Year]+[5-6 digit unique number]

| 198123113210 

Job Type 

Describes which kind of photoshoot was scheduled or completed for an account

| Undergrad, Activity, Class Group, etc. 


Justin Folders 

These folders are on the Network and are mostly a reflection of RFU, broken into sub folders so the Marketing Dept can send picture-day-reminder-emails to customers 

\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry\1-Office Mgr Data\0-For Justin 


An ID comprised of letters and numbers which is used to identify database subjects, keys also appear and are scanned on camera cards to ensure a photograph is assigned to the correct database subject and, ultimately, customer 


Last Picture Day 

The [last] date when a job is being photographed by Dorian (Even if a job doesn't have multiple photo days, their single picture day is considered their last) 

Makeup Day 

A sub type of job/photoshoot which presents an opportunity - after Original Day - for customers to have their photo taken during the Undergraduate season


Merge Cells 

Combining the data from two cells into one 

Multiple Subjects 

This is an error encountered when uploading an update csv to a Job. When a csv has a student/staff subject with an "Student_ID" number that matches 2 or more subjects in the Timestone Job 



More commonly refered to as "Timestone" or "SQL;" The application used to view, modify or export data from Jobs in the database. All relevant data present in a job on NeoPack is ultimately produced and sent to the customer, from teacher names to photographs, therefore VERY important to maintain accurate 

[Dorian] Network 

The Network allows all connected workstations to share files. Organized by department, all Data Dept files located at: 

\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry

Office Manager 

A manager located at headquarters who works with clients, customer service, the data department, and branch managers to ensure a successful picture day

AKA: "OM" 


A folder created annually for each account which contains all necessary files for successful photoshoots throughout the year

| TNJs, Camera Cards, ID Card Designs, ID Card Templates are all located in Onsite folders. 

Original Day 

A sub type of job/photoshoot which is the first opportunity - unless preceeded by a Staff Day - for customers to have their photo taken during the Undergraduate season



The order by which the customers' packages from a job will be printed and packaged/bundled, this client-requested sort is applied to a job by the Data Department during an upload

| Alpha Sort; Teacher Sort 

Padding IDs 

The process of adding characters to the ID numbers of the subjects in a Job (in the database/Timestone), this is done upon client request and executed by the Data Dept during an upload 

Pano Shoot 

A type of job/photoshoot defined by featuring a larger group of people in a single panoramic photo, usually an entire grade. A csv/upload for this type of job includes ONLY the grade being photographed 


A type of file used as a digital document 

Personality Shoot 

A type of job/photoshoot defined by featuring the photographed subject in an expressive pose, most of these photoshoots occur between Febuary and April 

Picture Day 

The date when a job is being photographed by Dorian, data prep and job prep MUST be completed by this date; often referred to as Last Photo Date 

Processed Data Folder 

A folder within the Dorian Network, used to archive the uploaded CSV files and work orders used for the upload

AKA: "Processed" 

\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry\23-24 Processed Data 

Retake Day 

A sub type of job/photoshoot which presents an opportunity - after Original and Makeup Days - for customers to have their photo taken or retaken during the Undergraduate season



[Ready for Upload] 

A folder within the Dorian Network, used to queue which cleaned CSV files need to be uploaded, files are moved to Processed from RFU 

\\nas\GROUPS\Data Entry\Data Team Tools\3-RFU 

Rolling Data 

The process of using the data from a previous job - often ORG Day - to create a TNJ for a subsequent job, this ensures the most accurate data and order information for each subject is being used on Makeup or Retake Days 


The web app used in the Data Department to view all stored information regarding Jobs, this is where work orders get ALL their information 

Senior Portrait Shoot 

A type of job/photoshoot which includes only high school seniors, to commemorate their graduation year 

Service Items 

Items other than photo packages offered to a school

| Certificates; Post Cards; Hall Passes, etc. 

[Google] Sheets 

The spreadsheet application, similar to Microsoft Excel, mostly used to share data/collaborate 

Staff Day 

A sub type of job/photoshoot which includes only the faculty members of an account 

Student ID 

The number that schools use to identify their students or staff, this number also appears on ID Cards produced by Dorian and as such is very important to upload correctly 

Sub Type 

Describes more specifically which kind of photoshoot was scheduled or completed for an account

| Original Day, Staff Day, Retake day 

Teacher Sort 

Subjects sorted, alphabetically, by their teacher's last name

| Adams W, Beasley P, Cole J, etc. 

Text to Column 

An Excel function which is used to separate data from one cell into subsequent (empty) cells; separated by commas, spaces, semi colons, etc. 


Synonymouswith "NeoPack" or "SQL;" The application used to view, modify or export data from Jobs in the database. All relevant data present in a job on Timestone is ultimately produced and sent to the customer, from teacher names to photographs, therefore VERY important to maintain accurate 

Timestone Field 

The headers used on a CSV which correspond to where the header's column data will be stored on Timestone
These are important to format and spell correctly because otherwise, DorianOps will not recognize the header and the upload results in an error or missing important data on Timestone 


A file type which is a carbon copy of a Job on Timestone. These are accompanied by Camera Cards and, together, they are used by photographers to pull up a subject's name and save an image to it on the TNJ, eventually they're re-uploaded to the Job on Timestone 

Trim Spaces 

An Ablebits-Excel function used to eliminate extra or unnecessary spaces in a csv, this is important for ensuring data is as clean as possible for Jobs 

Undergrad Shoot 

A type of job/photoshoot defined by featuring the photographed subject in a headshot, most of these photoshoots occur between August and October and pictures are commonly used for ID cards and Yearbook pages in addition to product packages 

Uploading Data 

The process of copying data from a CSV and adding it to the database 

Work Order 

A document where all the information relevant to having a successful upload/picture day can be found 


This term is commonly used in spreadsheets and Timestone to signify the data is missing or uncommon

| No teacher = ZNA, unrecognized grade = ZNA