Original Days (ORG)


Before moving forward with creating a TNJ, make sure that you have loaded data into the job first. If you do not remember how to load data into the job using Dorian Ops, review the documentation here: 


After you have loaded data into a job, navigate to the "Details" tab of the job on Dorian Ops, then click on "Job Details" and from the drop-down select
"Print Camera Cards"

We want to start this process before we start creating the TNJ so that we aren't waiting for the camera cards to finish generating.

After you have clicked on the print camera cards button, you will be brought to this screen. This is where you will download the camera cards file to your computer.

Because of technical limitations, you will need to reload the page (CTRL + R) in order to see the camera cards download.4

You should not have to wait more than 10 seconds for a file with under 500 subjects. Larger data sets will take longer to generate.

If you reload the page multiple times and do not receive camera cards, try hitting the "Print Camera Cards" button on the "Details" tab again.


Open Job

Select Mascot

Populating IDCUSTS for Staff

**Always populate Staff IDCUSTs before Students**

Populating IDCUSTS for Students 

**IDCUSTs identify subjects across multiple photo-days. Subjects will retain the same IDCUST throughout their original, makeup and retake days** 

Export TNJ

Preparing TNJ

Open TNJ 

Detail Fields

Manually Exporting Camera Cards

**The following steps should not be saved to the TNJ file**

Populating Image_ID for Staff

(Edit>Populate field)

Populating Image_ID for Students

**Image_IDs dictate the order camera cards are printed, make sure to refer to Camera Card Sort before populating**

Create Item Sheet

Camera Cards

Default Camera Card Settings

Dropping to Drive

Archive TNJ/Cam Cards

*Make sure to CUT and Paste or hold Shift while dragging and dropping to MOVE files*

Drop to Drive